“Daddy is home … YES!”

“Daddy is home … YES!”

Maddy fell asleep on me last night. That marks a successful day for Aunt Sissy. My six and a half year old niece mimicked a explanation she’d heard her Mommy, Aunt Sissy and Nana all use when she said “I’m just resting my eyes, Aunt Sissy.” I...

Praying Dangerous Prayers

I recently read in a commentary on the book of Job where the author challenges readers to “pray dangerous prayers.” My mind flashed back to a year ago this time and even before when my mind was filled with prayers like “God, make me more like you...

Ode To Nate

Maybe better titled: Ode to a Faithful God, Who’s Placed His Finger On My Husband Seven years ago today Nate and I gathered the masses to watch us say “I do.” That felt like eons ago. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into as we giddily...

Being Fully Convinced

As I wait, in an effort to better explain the significance of God’s nature and character as revealed to me as I pray and mediate on His word, at times I think I take away from the strength of those words themselves (and His Spirit illuminating them). This...

Summer Nights

I am writing to update you that we have no update. There are some things in the works — but nothing that is yet blogable. (Ooh, the mystery:)) The past weeks and months have been on the intense side in the Smith* home as the path to the finish line has become a...

Delayed Sweetness

The posts I’ve written and saved — without making public — are becoming a blog in themselves. Hard to believe that what you’ve already read on this blog has made its way through a filter, isn’t it? I begin composing posts as an update but...