Finding Beauty In Your Boundaries
What if your limitations were, in fact, your greatest gift?
I Love Words and I Love Him
God continues to surprise me by how he intersects the middle minutes of my day.
I write so as to give language to god’s intervention into my story…And to invite you to consider his hand, reaching into yours.
The Book

Tasting the Goodness of God in All Things
Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet
In the age of fingertip access to answers and a limitless supply of ambitions,
where do we find the God who was birthed in dirt and straw? Sara Hagerty found him when life stopped working for her.
Adoration / Instagram
You Are The Lord Who Sees Our Praise As Beautiful
Rejoice in the lord, o you righteous!
For praise from the upright is beautiful
Psalm 33:1
My Story
Married to my best friend, mama to seven, book nerd, and author. God continues to surprise me by how He intersects the middle minutes of my day. I write in the extra margins of my life, so as to put language to how He intervenes in my story … and to invite you to see new ways He might be intervening in yours.

Updated regularly with podcast conversations and radio interviews
I pray about each speaking inquiry individually
With seven children at home, life is very full. I intentionally limit my speaking engagements throughout the year, though I absolutely love getting to travel and see your faces in person and talk about Him.
Latest Blog
When you find yourself in winter
A tree doesn’t survive the winter without healthy roots. Neither do we. I remember that bleak February morning when my husband and I loaded up our car and drove through the stripped-bare forests of the Blue Ridge Mountains to move into my parents’ basement.

Sara Hagerty
Hey you! So glad you’re here. This is one of my favorite spaces. I’m Sara, a mama to seven who is learning to see God’s thread in life’s middle minutes. I spend most of my days with the crew under my roof – teenagers all the way down to a surprise baby – and I write in the extra margins of life. You can find most of my writing on Instagram, in my monthly (or not-so-monthly-when-life-at-