In the midst of a time with so much anxiety, we all need something to raise our eyes.
Experience the freedom that comes from turning from fear … and towards Jesus.

A Simple Practice for Experiencing God
in the Middle Minutes of Your Day … When Everything Seems Shaky
This is a book for those who want to meet with God in the midst of uncertainty, fear, and the tilting of this world.
Read the first chapter
For anyone who longs to experience God in the thick of life’s demands and the difficulties of this pandemic, Sara Hagerty’s ADORE offers a simple, soul-nourishing practice for engaging with God in the middle minutes of your day.
None of us signed up for a conventional experience with the unconventional God, yet too often the spiritual life can become routine, dare we say, even boring. In Adore, Sara Hagerty gives us all permission to admit “I barely know You, God,” or “I am very afraid right now,” and with this honest admission, to scoot a little nearer to this familiar Stranger. Adoration is the simple practice Sara discovered for starting where you are, and letting the grit and uncertainty of your day greet the beauty of God’s presence.

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About Sara Hagerty
Sara Hagerty is a lover of God, a wife to Nate, and a mother of seven-four adopted from Africa and then more through miracle pregnancies. She's also a bestselling author and speaker. As a lifelong admirer of words, Sara has experienced their power to revive. Raw words written in tearful honesty and shared with her readers. Words whispered in hidden places as conversation with God and worship to Him. Today Sara's words offer God's hope to readers facing unexpected life circumstances. You can follow her on Instagram @sarahagertywrites.

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Contact Sara to inquire about speaking engagements, interviews and more.
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