Not Just Another Monday

Not Just Another Monday

Adoration makes a heart ready. It’s diving into the pool — before testing the water to see if you really want to immerse. I’ve found a funny little quirk about myself: when my heart feels cold, I don’t want to swim. Inertia allures me into...

You Are More

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. Ephesians 3:20** Even my wildest dreams pale when matched against Your offering. Father, you are more. In every way, more. To think … I...

Behind the Veil

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. Psalm 32:8** Your vision is pure, I long for Your eyesight. Your eye pierces through layers of flesh and resistance to see beauty. Clarity is in Your gaze. I get lost,...

Monday Morning Chai Link-Up

In the past few weeks my life has felt like an orchestra. A series of events, unrelated, coming together to produce one single message: I lack. I fail. I fall. Often. I am woman and yet still very much little girl needing my Daddy’s guardrails. But to stay beholden to...

Monday Morning Chai, First Edition

Practice. All day long we practice. From turning out the lights when we leave a room, to giving napkins their place in our laps and shoes their home in the shoe-basket, to speaking about the beauty of a sibling instead of their faults — we practice. We are...

You Are Rich To Those Who Call

for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. Romans 10:12** I come poor, tired. Ragged. My flesh resists coming. What do I have to offer You? I reason. I have it all wrong. Something still draws me in. Maybe habit, maybe Holy alluring. Praise God for...