The Fullness within … me

“For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.” Colossians 2:9 and “Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?” 2 Corinthians 13:5**

The fullness of the Godhead dwelled in Him, and it dwells in me.

You, in all Your fullness, dwell. You reside. You inhabit … me.

I am complete in You. Wholeness resides in my frame. And You are forever working out this truth inside of me.

Isn’t that just like You? I fail to see it, fail to feel it, fail to live it — but it’s true, and that Truth is working itself from the inside out of me. Every circumstance, every heart pain, every question falls under submission to You. Your plan is for me to live out of the completion already formed inside of me, in You. You transfer Your completion to me, from within me.

I am Your opus. You orchestrate me. I love You, oh perfect leader.

The world I live into falls under Your great order of making me alive to what is already within me. That for which I intercede — “more of You” — You tell me to also declare. Rejoice, You say. It’s there, waiting to be received. Transfered, infused from My Spirit within You into Your inner man. I feel “not yet” but You say already, just not realized.

I worship You, oh God, accessible from within. I love You, Father who hides Yourself in me while calling me to hide myself to You.

You embody humility, God, that you tucked Yourself away into human frame. First, Him, then … me?! Humbling myself is simply adoring You. I adore You, Father of completion, Father of glory which isn’t stained by the frame in which it grows.

You are golden, God, and You share this gold.

When I see You as You are, choosing to allow Yourself a home within human skin, my vision about myself becomes clear. I find humility in worshipping Your glory. I get to put on You and get free from me. You invite this exchange.

Who is this God?

Covenantal God, You wrote Your laws in their minds and on their hearts. And You wrote Yourself, Your Son, on me. Your covenant is most intimate. It is inside of me. You put on flesh, once, and that very Man prayed that I would have the same One-ness with You — that You had with Him then. You give freely, God, and the gift is already here. Latent love, waiting to be pioneered, called to action.

You’ve given me a whole new understanding of abiding. (I adore You for your awake-Word!) Abiding is, first, recognizing all that already is available to me. You are here, within.

I said a weak “yes”, all those years back, and You made a home inside my broken. And it’s here where You reveal the completion which is already, even though I often call it not yet.

Endless frontiers of exploration and their discoveries aren’t something I brush up against like an acquaintance, I live them because they are in me. You’ve chosen the most intimate place of access.

I love You, God most powerful to grow me, resting inside of me.


**So what do I do with these posts, you ask, other than just read them? First, if you haven’t yet, read: Why I Adore to give you a context for this little space on my blog. (This post also gives context.)

If you are compelled, I invite you to participate. Set up a space and time in your own life to begin adoring. Over laundry or dinner dishes, on your commute to work, or in the wee morning hours — five or ten minutes is a great start. You can use the verse I list here every day or two as a launch pad for your own adoration.

Then practice praise.

Add to my adoration here, by posting a comment with your own words back to God about God …or hide it in your heart. Or wait until a Monday and link up to my adoration posts with your own adoration.

I promise your weary soul won’t regret it.

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Additionally, all of the Morning Chai Posts can be seen, in the order of posting, by clicking here or adding this address to your reader:


