Love Is As Strong As Death

Love Is As Strong As Death

I’ve been knocked off my feet a bit by my father’s death. I don’t know what I was expecting to feel — or what I thought someone who lost a father at this age should feel — but this certainly wasn’t it. Whether 16 or 32, navigating...

My Dad

This morning my father passed away. My mind is a maze of thoughts and emotions … and why am I blogging right now? Because I just have to tell someone — even if I never publish this post and it is only read by its Catalyst — of the glory of God rising...

Trees that Weep and the People Who Prune Them

My to do list is unending, yet somehow I found time today to spend just under 2 hours pruning our weeping cherry. I discovered last week that the branches growing out of the top of our weeping cherry were instead an entirely different tree that should have been pruned...

Resistance Training

I’m feeling pouty. It’s this two-year old thing that rises up in me on occasion. Much like someone who frequently gets migraines and has the ability to detect the onset, I’ve become a master at identifying early warning signs of pout. I’ll...

Why Pray?

There are times when I feel pressed to pray for our children, this adoption, and Ethiopia in such a way that I just can’t shake. Now is one of those times. If God is sovereign and has goodness in store for us — why would we need to pray some of the prayers...

The Adult Blankey

My cell phone has now become what some might call the adult blankey. I carry it everywhere. Parameters I once set up so as not to have the phone take priority over my already pre-set priorities have all fallen to the wayside. As long as we’re potentially...