How to Get Out of a Rut {a Holy Week approach that reaches beyond holy week}

A Life That Doesn’t Have To Be Liked

The public world can’t grow the private me. It never could. I was fifteen and full of dreams with a brand new Bible I’d highlight in the late hours after friends went home, before the days when those friends were always accessible to broadcast my every...

Loving The Unlikely (And How I Missed It)

He wasn’t different in the sort of mysterious-let-me-find-him-out sort of way. To me, his different wasn’t other, it was just wrong. I was twenty-something and ambitious and full of all sorts of ideas about how life should be lived and, from the way he...

This Weak Me

So she says to me, “I want what you have in Him … ” and immediately my mind flashes back to that one afternoon. The sun was overhead and I was still in my sweatpants, thankful to be working from home on the day the tears kept coming. I blubbered,...