You’re Not Too Old To Dream {updated with November’s adoration}

How to Really Heal From Your Worst Day

Before December 22, 2008 I had been acquainted with a kind of pain that feels like those days of drizzle, when fall is molting its leaves and inheriting winter’s bite. The pain of infertility hung low and impacted my view and my time — it droned on and...

Is Now The Time?

How many times have I said it — thought it? This: “I’ll find Him when life slows down or this burden lifts or I have more time.” It’s not just the lie of motherhood or of my college days or of the first-few-months-in-a-new job or of the five...

How to See Light When the Day Is Dark

For many years, authors were my mentors. Though they were not my only teachers, these ones — some long-dead and others, grayhaired sages of the faith –taught me with their lives. Their stories curled up with me late into the night and and on rainy...