I loved high school. There certainly were things I could have done without, but for the most part, my memories of everything from 9th grade prank calls on double-sided swatch phones, to middle-of-the-night conversations about life and love on the beach during senior...
After a year of working to keep our heads above water, we’re ready to start making real memories. Bringing the children home, adjusting to instant life as parents (of two toddlers, no less), dealing with nutritional needs and health issues, and fostering...
The first time it came over me, I didn’t know what to do. It was in a church service that wasn’t very different from every other church service I’d attended in weeks prior. I don’t remember what was sung or said from up front–in fact...
God has been using all sorts of things to awaken long-dormant senses in me. Recently, I read this excerpt from A Praying Life by Paul Miller: “Desert life sanctifies you. You have no idea you are changing. You simply notice after you’ve been in the desert...
My only hesitation in doing a two-part blog post, is that this blog would become one of those that’s challenging for me to read. My flash-pot attention span, coupled with my secret curiosity about people’s real thoughts, tends to make me shy away from...