To Know Him as Father

To Know Him as Father

“Can we ask God to tell Papa, ‘Happy Birthday’?” Eden said when I told her that today was my dad’s birthday. The “Papa” she met twice before he died, carries an association to her as one who is close to God. His death, and...

The One Who Bore Hope

Wee thing, what were you thinking that night? When visited by the divine messenger, with words declaring that your frame would carry the hope for the world, did you struggle with fear at what this might mean for your own life? Young child, made woman prematurely. Or...

Place Called Beautiful

At the risk of sounding too ethereal, I want to tell you about a place in my mind called beautiful. Because tonight, after the appearance of an annual migraine and a day pretty much shot, all I want to do is go there. My mind has been a war zone. And just like any war...

Voluntary Weakness

I was asked through a comment* on an earlier post to write on fasting. While a topic very close to my heart, I have to admit it’s intimidating to “put myself out there” in regards to it. For a few reasons: First, I had a very real struggle with...

The One Who Is Justice

In my stint alone at the prayer room today, they were praying for God’s justice for the afflicted. Like a punch in my gut, came the realization that they were praying for my children in Uganda. I’m fairly certain, given the age range we requested, that my...

The Daily God

He is better than a Saturday morning chai latte. I’m trying to type through tear-matted eyelashes. It’s one of those more-rare-than-I’d-like mornings where God broke in. And today He’s been telling me how He is the daily God. Blessed be the...