Three weeks into summer and they’ve already logged a season full of memories as we drive our suburban across the country to visit old friends and family and fill our lungs with the salt air of the east coast. That night a few days ago that they stayed up way too...
I sit with my Bible in my lap and my head rested back against the chair, eyes casing the ceiling. I am so far away from understanding Your peace, I moan. My mind rolls round and round the same old topics, trapped. My heart has been in knots, I’m realizing for...
You know that moment you wish you could capture in still-frame — just freeze it and frame it and have it within arm’s reach — but you know if you did it might spoil the purity of it all? I had one of those today, interrupting my mundanity. One of my...
Summer was marked for me when I was fifteen. When my curfew got extended and my alarm clock collected dust, I made a spot for myself on the old wooden swing in our backyard. On the nights when the moon hid, the spotlight off our back porch illuminated my bedtime...
Sometimes these ears of mine, they’re clogged. I have little vignettes return to me, from time-to-time, of true friends who tried to be what friends are meant to be and I just couldn’t hear them. Then. I can’t wait to have tea with that old college...