Why I Adopt {the first half of the story}

Why I Adopt {the first half of the story}

{If you haven’t yet, read the precursor to this post, which is actually the second half of this story.} And this is how I found the heart at the center of justice … College witnessed his first growth spurt. By what can only be attributed to the hand of...

Why I Adopt {the second half* of the story}

We wait under fluorescent lights for the girls to file in. Though there are some new faces each month, the veterans’ familiarity with us sets all the girls at ease. They know what to expect this night, these children of routine and rhythm, whose variables have...

Those Years When Her Body Knew No Embrace, and He Loved Her

She let me in on the conversation in her head as she casually cut tomatoes on the kitchen counter. “I can’t believe all those years in Africa I never knew what a hug was.” Said just as matter-of-fact as “Mommy, these tomatoes are ripe,”...
You Made a Daughter of Me {an adoration meditation}

You Made a Daughter of Me {an adoration meditation}

 I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. John 14:18** I think of them — those little ones under my roof and their friends on the other side of the ocean — but You, also, think of me. They came to us with parched lips and cracked skin and hearts...