New year … same you {when the line between a new year is blurry}

New year … same you {when the line between a new year is blurry}

New year … same you {when the line between a new year is blurry}

Several days in, this new year has felt less like the turning of a page and more like a run-on sentence. Shouldn’t there be a period somewhere in here? I’d like to demarcate an ending and declare a new beginning, but only the calendar tells me it’s so. It feels a bit...
Is it faithless to accept your lot?

Is it faithless to accept your lot?

I’ve never been full of memory. I only have two dozen or so memories of my dad — one of the most influential people in my life, both before and after he died — all of which cycle through my mind as sounds and smells bring me back to girlhood. In one memory, we...
When God says “no”

When God says “no”

When I was 27, and God said “no” through an empty womb, I had more life ahead of me than behind me—more dreams on the horizon than stories lived in grit (where dreams meet the road). Everything felt like possibility — every new friendship, every neighbor that moved...
That they may be one . . . not same

That they may be one . . . not same

I still remember where we were sitting on our olive green Craig’s-List-purchased couch (remember Craig’s List?) when she said to me, “I want a friend that is just like me. None of my friends are like me.” She was eight, so I poked and discovered that “just like me”...