Coming to the end of a rich novel that accidentally changes your heart is like coming to the end of a part of your life that was good and beautiful and godly. It feels wrong to have good things end. Surely Eden starts right here and only continues until and through...
We all have unspoken fantasies about how we’ll live out our dreams, our calling … or our Easter celebration with our family. We don’t name them, but they take up space in our minds. They have a power of sorts. I wonder if the first day of school, the last...
When I was sixteen and a new believer, my eyes were always open for a miracle. I hadn’t looked for God over much of my life … and then, one day, I did. Then, looking became a part of my life. One of my friends told me how, as he wrestled with discovering if God was...
The phrase your dad or your coach told you when you were seven and standing on the side of the swimming pool on that 65-degree June morning during the first week of summer swim practice still plays in your head, doesn’t it? Winners never quit, and quitters never...
I’m old enough to remember when people didn’t come up with “a word for their year.” I remember a few writers deciding to name their year with a word, a decade and a half ago, and the rest of us in the Christian world followed suit. (Am I correct on that timing?...