

I can’t shake this growing ache in my heart for them–not just “mine”, but all of them. It’s like a heartbeat that just keeps getting louder. Any of you who know me can attest to the fact that this is God. There’s no conjuring going...

A Father’s Look

This morning Nate said to me, “I think when we get our girls I’m just going to spend a lot of time staring at them …” Now, being one who has a chronic staring problem, I know he’s not referring to the...

LIFE in the waiting

No real updates. We haven’t yet gotten our immigration approval. I’m slightly concerned, as our social worker told us that the envelope has been mistaken by others for junk mail. I’m picturing a large envelope with a headline that reads: YOU,...

Bigger and Better

In Young Life we used to organize this scavenger hunt of sorts for high school kids called “Bigger and Better” where we’d give them a penny or paperclip – something small – to start off. Then, in teams, they’d go from house to house and ask if the person at that home...

Keeping it at Bay

I realized just this morning that I have been doing what I’m sure most people do when they experience pain/deferred hope/waiting … I’ve been pretending like the thing I’m hoping for just isn’t happening. It’s like the big purple elephant in the room, our adoption. I’m...

“Out Of the Mouth of Babes…”

Been thinking a lot lately about the kingdom of God, which we’ve begun calling “the upside down kingdom” (a phrase, of course, we stole from someone else). You see, for much of my faith journey I have thought that being a christian meant that...