A Heart For Your Children

A Heart For Your Children

We pulled away from a dinner with their family in our childless days and a sense from Him surfaced in my spirit: “you’re going to learn from them.”  And that we have. In those days, we had no idea that God was preparing us to have a...

Right Here In The Waiting

Anne and I chatted over fasting and finding Him in a guest home we shared for a brief stint while Nate and I were on a personal retreat and she was traveling for work. I didn’t know then about this group of women that had emerged from Anne and a few others who...

What Kind of Woman Will I Be?

In my thirties — a stage of life where I have never before had less time and more people depending on me — I have seen Him put shape to what friendship is meant to be. Iron sharpens iron, one life brushing up against another and causing a beautiful...

He Makes Beautiful Things [VIDEO]

To imagine my newly married days with an older child that we’ve just adopted, who also has some special needs, seems mind boggling. I’ve met a woman who knows the grace of God for this very moment. Mamas, when you eke out that “this is too...

The Calling For Those Who Wait

Though we only just met this fall, this next author-friend feels like an old friend. Judy has been a beautiful encourager to me in my writing and her own story, that you’ll get a taste of here, is full of time spent in the waiting room and the richness that...

Our Good and Perfect Gift

If you’ve been around my blog for a while, you’ve heard me mention Amy Julia Becker. This past fall, her book A Good and Perfect Gift — about how her experience with disappointment turned into overwhelming blessing — sat on my bedside table for...