Twenty minutes felt like hours, as I stood under the canopied expanse of the Michigan sky in my long-johns and layers and considered a decision that would forever alter the course of my life. Day-old snow crunched under my boots as I shifted my weight from one foot to...
He crawled on all fours, trying to blow up and out of his eyes the edges of the blanket that were covering his view, unsuccessfully. His Mary was main-stage, now, and currently had little concern for her transportation. She had a baby to birth. They recited fractured...
In the transition from vocational ministry to who-knows-what, I found myself stocking shelves and cashing orders at a little boutique in North Barracks Road which sold French and Italian pottery and linens. This was the last place a college-educated and...
The house was swelling with song and the windows were sweating from the collision of packed bodies in a small brownstone space against the stark winter air. I didn’t think we were going to a house party, I thought, my dander already up. We entered to the sounds...
It was an hour drive between Charlottesville and Richmond on a day that my wedding rings hadn’t yet worn a ridge into my finger. This was a blink compared to our longer road trips, but something about no exit plan at a highway pace made our car a recurring...
I don’t know her first word. I don’t know when she rolled over or started to crawl. I didn’t see her crack her first smile. Those milestones mark the first year of life. What about years two, three, four, and on? And if they are here today and gone...