He had such a great idea with that little grey and black marker — monogramming his own plastic box, a perfect space to claim sole ownership — until it slid out of his hands and onto the kitchen table. Permanently marred. Not like the curtains or towel bar...
“I miss her, Mommy,” she says of her biological mother, finally releasing the tears that had been locked within her gait for a day. A whole heck of a lot of “missing” was wedged into that one innocent phrase. She used the only words she had. My...
Hey you, Yes, you, still in your sweatpants and un-showered, hours into your day. It’s February, friend. This love note is for you. Between seven a.m. when they wake, alert and ready to tackle the world and you and any sibling that accidentally touches the edge...
“Pray for this one,” I tell my friends that I know well. It was a subtle drip, the negativity coming from this child. If I made hashmarks in that moleskin of mine for every time the commentary that slid out of their mouth and into the space of ours that...
We used to have a set of those couches that probably should have had plastic on them — the kind that are better to look at than to sit on. They were in the living room, where no one really lived in my childhood home. Except for those times when my dad and I...
“NOOOO!” her body crumbles at the suggestion that her immune-suppressed frame should go to bed even just minutes earlier than the rest of my crew. “But that would mean I’d be alone upstairs.” It’s starting to become clear to me. Who...