Her Fireplace

Her Fireplace

She was widowed young — a mom with a houseful of little ones and no companion with whom to kiss their ouchies and tie their shoes. Her life was shackled with loss. Back then, when I heard about it, I was in college with no understanding of what all of that meant...

Separate Unto Someone

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. 1 Corinthians 2:12** I have You so that I know You. I can know You, because I have You. I adore You, oh God from...

Never Too Old for Treasure Hunts

“You just wait.” Eventually, we stopped counting the number of times we were forewarned about our lives “coming to an end” once the little ones entered our home. Four children later, though, I now understand a little bit better the pain which...

The Hope of Glory

There is only one today. And as I stand just inside the foyer of 2012 with my fingers wrapped around His ageless hands, hoping I can somehow scoot near enough to know Him as Counselor, He whispers one phrase. From a group of women gathering to discuss, to my own...

His Breath Inside of Me

“It is to your advantage that I go away.” John 16:7** I’ve read it before. Highlighted it in my Bible and underlined — I’ve been here at least twice, but today it’s new. Isn’t that just like You? Always new, always making the...

The Great Lie of Motherhood

Motherhood has a subtle lie attached to it. These years are not about me, they are about them. Sounds good, right? I scurry to fill tummies and enrich minds and foster hunger for Jesus. I teach fingers to tie shoes, lips to say “will you forgive me?”, and...