We stand in line at the grocery store like clockwork. It’s Friday. The cashiers know my family and my children know them by name. Miss Misty is having a baby. Eden called it months before it was obvious and I hushed her in fear that she’d engaged in the...
We were young when Nate started his first business. Though trained in trade, young hearts need training beyond the task at hand. Entrepreneurship was his chisel. I wasn’t overjoyed at the route God had taken him, but I had enough years logged in marriage to have...
“Behold, I make all things new.” Revelation 21:5** Everything is subject to You. All objects of darkness and light lie waiting for the day when they will not only be revived but, once again — unspoiled. Your hand doesn’t just extend a touch, it...
It was one of those. The room was thick with Him and I was bold, and shedding old, dead skin felt like no kind of loss. I wanted Him more than I wanted what He might ask me to lose, in this one moment. I prayed sincerely, “Father, I surrender. Another layer. I...
She bristles, still, when I hold her. I kiss her stiff flesh and remember that friend who prayed “set yourself for 10 years of restoration” just before we left to go get her. I run my hands across my thirty-five year-old midriff at the comment of one who said “you...