About That Grocery Store Bagger

About That Grocery Store Bagger

Sometimes you have to see it starkly in another before you can fully realize it in yourself. I asked her, “can I tell them your story, sweet Lil’, because it’s really my story?” “Sure,” she said, without the shame that years of...

When Her Bitter Isn’t Just Bitter Anymore

I see you, Mama … You were on lunch duty, volunteering. You watched her from across the room, sitting alone at that long rectangular table that could fit twenty, while girls dressed just like her filed in and jammed their small bodies into tables all around her....

Messy Prayers

He had such a great idea with that little grey and black marker — monogramming his own plastic box, a perfect space to claim sole ownership — until it slid out of his hands and onto the kitchen table. Permanently marred. Not like the curtains or towel bar...

When Life Has Taught You to Run Past Its Best Conversations

“I miss her, Mommy,” she says of her biological mother, finally releasing the tears that had been locked within her gait for a day. A whole heck of a lot of “missing” was wedged into that one innocent phrase. She used the only words she had. My...

Hey You, Still in your Sweatpants …this love note’s for you.

Hey you, Yes, you, still in your sweatpants and un-showered, hours into your day. It’s February, friend. This love note is for you. Between seven a.m. when they wake, alert and ready to tackle the world and you and any sibling that accidentally touches the edge...