How One Minute Can Change Your Life

How One Minute Can Change Your Life

I thought about you on my morning run: You, in your twenties and full of life and zeal and expectation — who still goes home to yourself, at night, or rolls over, awake, next to your husband (who’s already conked) with a sprinkling of thoughts that plague...

When You Feel Incapable and They Seem Unbending

I discovered a new mark on the wall, minutes after remembering that the cabinet door was severed from its hinges by the weight of a child who had used it as a stepping stool. Another thing I had not yet added to my honey-do list. My mind dove from a visionary focus to...

Her Hour Is My Hour

As life wove itself around the undergirding story of my barrenness, I couldn’t always tell what might send me right back to the dull ache or sharp pain of my lack, though baby showers seemed consistently to take me to that place. Why do I do this to myself? I wondered...

The Invisibles {and the story we share with them}

She wore fur-lined boots with her t-shirt and shorts on this 100-degree summer day. She filed in alongside her schoolmates — who were also house-and-home mates — under the florescent lights of this pseudo-gymnasium room with cement walls, where we met....

Perspective Training (for the weak-hearted and the messy)

We’re the kind of late that makes you wonder if you should even go at all. I have a child whose heart is bleeding in the back seat and another whose diaper I forgot to change before we left. I drive over the spout of the garden hose on the way out and wonder if...