Middle Minutes Adoration

(My backyard this morning at a whopping 7 degrees.)⁣

If there’s any urgency I feel right now, it is to invest into my interior life — my tucked-away, hidden life in God. ⁣

The rhythms that both support this investment *and* tend to stick for me and my family are ones that: ⁣

1) resonate with our life-stage, ⁣

2) are instigated by Him, and⁣

3) align with the unique calling God has for us in our family (read: aren’t just an unfettered cut and paste from someone else … that aren’t just a “should”)⁣

Want to share how He’s been helping you invest in your interior life with Him, given the last year? Do so below. We can get ideas from each other that we then bring to Him for discernment, asking: God, is this for me, for right now?


