Middle Minutes Adoration

At forty-(something 😉), I can look back over decades and see trends a bit more. For a while, the Christian culture de-valued vulnerability. We put on a happy face and kept our struggles and secrets to ourselves. That changed. Vulnerability is now valued. We no longer see the need to hide that for which He came to save. But with this pendulum swing (as with anything, right?), vulnerability can move from being a means to greater connectedness to God to being the end. If you’ve been around here long enough, you know I place a high value on vulnerability — that honest, raw wrestle — but if my greatest goal is to be vulnerable, I’m left just as empty as I was with my plastic smile and Sunday best. ⁣⁣
Friends, the raw, the bare, the real has to hold purpose, for us not to stay stuck. Adoration is a bridge between the raw wrestle … and the healing response: Him, the God of His Word. “Adoration is where I bring my most vulnerable self to the feet of the safe God.” I wrote this book, ADORE, in part — to help you (and me) build that bridge.⁣⁣

