In the interest of being practical, I want to share the most recent practice that has most helped me in recovering some of the buoyancy of my youth.
It’s simply this: I’m noticing.
I’m in bed as I write. A much-anticipated canceled play date, two-day-old laundry sitting in the drum, and too many texts and tasks to count. No notes in my journal this morning about God’s goodness, only tears.
But hours later and still sick, from this angle…
– I can hear sisters making a play outside my door
– a teenager is offering to come home early to help with them
– the sun shines at a slant through my window, so I’m not blinded but the outdoors is illuminated
– my little girls are taking joy in fixing themselves what they call “lunch”
There are still God-sightings. Yes, I am sick today, but God is still here. Yes, I am delayed from my plans and task progress, but God has other things to show me of Himself. Yes, I am weak …
but He is strong.
There is power in seeing God in the small when the larger things in your life feel … impossible. Friends, tonight there will be a sunset. And it might just be brilliant.
If life has left you in bed again or standing on the other side of what you want (which is most of us, isn’t it?), grab your magnifying glass … there’s a whole world to notice Him underneath your nose.
I don’t say this as the once-cheerleader, but instead as your friend who has sunk and is learning new buoyancy.