Those of you who follow us on facebook, instagram or twitter know that this space has been a little quiet for good reason.
While I can’t wait to introduce you to the little man and tell you a little more of how his indoctrination to the world that breathes has imprinted me (and I will soon), I don’t want to miss this chance for the turning of a new page.
It’s a new month and this sleep-deprived mama is remembering, again, how even winning just minutes back to Him matters.
If you haven’t yet, consider November as your month to start practicing adoration? There is no better time than now.
You can download the November adoration prayer sheet below or over here.
Or scoop those minatures under your roof onto your lap and invite them into this new habit with you using the book we created. It’s our gift to you. “Children Adore” is thirty-one days of adorations, compiled by me and my little girl, written in my speak and illustrated by her hands.
Is it just for children? you ask. No way. Or, I suppose, I might more accurately say “yes ma’am.” It’s for the one who desperately wants to restore the child, within, back to Him. And why not invite your children along ;).
There are two ways* to access this free download:
1) Pop on over to our brand-new Facebook page (yikes, so glad I have others helping me do this as social media is not my strong point). When you visit that specific link and hit “like”, you’ll see the image change and you will have access to both the download and the password that protects it. [Note: this method does not work on a mobile device — but we’d love to have you join us on Facebook. Once you do, send an email to sara(at) and we’ll send you the password for the download.]
Or, if you’re not on Facebook …
2) Sign up to receive EBTIS (Main Blog posts) via email, using the box up and on the right sidebar, and you’ll receive a follow-up email with the free download and its password.
*If you are not on facebook and you already subscribe via email to the blog, you can send an email requesting the download to sara(at) and you should receive it shortly thereafter. If you have trouble with either method above, try the same.
Photos (and a lot of the genius behind our Children Adore rollout and layout! and our monthly adoration sheets) compliments of Mandie Joy.