Behind the Veil

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. Psalm 32:8**

Your vision is pure, I long for Your eyesight.

Your eye pierces through layers of flesh and resistance to see beauty. Clarity is in Your gaze. I get lost, sidetracked, confused, and You teach me with Your eyesight. I learn love when I put on Your vision. For me, for them, for him. For You.

Oh God who corrects my vision, You are always at work to reveal beauty. Relief comes from Your eyes. I can’t walk away uninstructed when I’ve seen what You see. And You offer me this eye-guide. What’s Yours is mine, He asked. His tears spilling over into blood for them and for me came from what He saw. And this … You offer me. The Father, one with the Son and the world, now, passing behind the veil in order to see.

Eyesight, heart vision, new outlook. You don’t call me to strive to be holy like You, without love’s greatest asset: it’s angle.

Daddy, I have Your eyes and they change everything. Oh Father, I praise You for equipping me. I praise You for seeing me. I praise you for seeing them, and him, and all the others intersecting my world, with eyes that heal.

Your eye changes my reality. You guide me by what You see. And what You see, Father, is a radiance that penetrates through even opaque flesh.

You unlock with Your eyes. And You give me the key.


**So what do I do with these posts, you ask, other than just read them? First, if you haven’t yet, read: Why I Adore to give you a context for this little space on my blog. (This post also gives context.)

If you are compelled, I invite you to participate. Set up a space and time in your own life to begin adoring. Over laundry or dinner dishes, on your commute to work, or in the wee morning hours — five or ten minutes is a great start. You can use the verse I list here every day or two as a launch pad for your own adoration.

Then practice praise.

Add to my adoration here, by posting a comment with your own words back to God about God …or hide it in your heart. Or wait until a Monday and link up to my adoration posts (beginning October 17th) with your own adoration.

I promise your weary soul won’t regret it.

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Additionally, all of the Morning Chai Posts can be seen, in the order of posting, by clicking here or adding this address to your reader:

