The Author of Dreaming

And He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Mark 14:36**

I was never intended to be sedentary, yet Only You can lift me up and out of me.

When I look down — when I stare into all that lies within me — I get lost. Where to start?, with what still remains broken after even years of restoration, is my question.

And before the words even take shape, You whisper Your answer.

All things are possible through Me.

Lonely, tired, exasperated thoughts about everyday life find their source in unbelief. When I look at me, I see impossible. But, Father — You — You offer a better way. Eyes off of me and onto You and life looks different. Same life, different perspective. Holy vantage point.

I see dimensions. I see angles of beauty I’ve never before encountered.

Father, by simply staring at Your face, at the contours of Your simple Words spoken to me, I learn what is possible.


Father, I take sips of nothing and You replace my everyday drink with anything. Everything. Sara, the sky is the limit, You say to my unbelieving heart.

And after even just a few minutes won over to adoring You, beholding Your beauty, I’ve forgotten my self-inflicted limitations. Looking at me and all that is ‘not’ makes my world very small. Staring at You, getting lost in all that You are makes my world endless.

You are limitless, Oh God. All is within Your reach.

You are the author of dreaming.

You are the Creator of desire.

It’s in even just minutes at Your feet that I am changed into one who lives active. Alive.

**So what do I do with these posts, you ask, other than just read them? First, if you haven’t yet, read: Why I Adore to give you a context for this little space on my blog. (This post also gives context.)

If you are compelled, I invite you to participate. Set up a space and time in your own life to begin adoring. Over laundry or dinner dishes, on your commute to work, or in the wee morning hours — ten minutes is a great start. You can use the verse I list here every day or two as a launch pad for your own adoration.

Then practice praise.

Add to my adoration here, by posting a comment with your own words back to God about God …or hide it in your heart.

I promise your weary soul won’t regret it.

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Additionally, all of the Morning Chai Posts can be seen, in the order of posting, by clicking here or adding this address to your reader:

