Some Places I’ve Landed

Like my Morning Chai, this is a little interlude between normal posts. You’ll probably see this again.

I’ve had many send their friends my way, leading to sweet introductions like I had at church today from a random stranger-made-friend who found my blog in Maryland, but has now been transplanted just a neighborhood away here in Kansas City. And, the reverse — I’ve found the internet not a foe but a friend through helpful links on others’ sites when my less-than-maverick google searching would have never landed me there.

So I’d like to return the favor and share with you all some of my recent favorites (which, when life is full with adoption and summer stained-with-grass feet across my kitchen floor, might not be added to for weeks or months).

I’m probably breaking unspoken blog rules by giving you back-dated posts, but, nonetheless, here are some of my most-recent must-reads, not all of which are even very recent:

  • An adoptive family that’s been through great trial, yet the beauty stories — this one in particular — are still emerging.
  • When Aaron got a bike. This little boy’s story — even his everyday mundane —  has the mark of the Father all over it.
  • Arguably some of the best minutes spent in a day. Still.

Read and drink deep of these sweet God-stories.



