No real updates. We haven’t yet gotten our immigration approval. I’m slightly concerned, as our social worker told us that the envelope has been mistaken by others for junk mail. I’m picturing a large envelope with a headline that reads: YOU, resident of 5555 Pine Oak Drive, might just be in for the RIDE OF YOUR LIFE … open for details on your adoption!! You better believe I’ve had a fine eye for mail that never made it past the trash can in the garage before this month.
So … I pontificate (side note: a word like this typically reveals that the little woman behind the curtain is using her thesaurus to blog, but I promise it just came to me):
I got an email from a friend just yesterday that said something to the effect of “don’t forget to live while you’re waiting.” Now I know this sounds like a chorus to a country song or something you might hear sung at an eighth grade graduation, but this thought was the tip of what sent me on a trail of thinking and praying (cause I have time to do that these days).
Because the waters run deep with her–and she’s not a person to use words lightly — I knew there was something in this for me from God. She was actually referring to the other big “wait” in our lives, which has been our move to Kansas City (still on hold) but I think I can draw a big, grand application:
He’s in my moment right now. Life today and what He has put before me at this juncture has the potential to be just as significant to Him as when we have our rooms filled with giggling girls and our trash overflowing with diapers. I can tend towards being such a driven person that I miss the power in the moment-by-moment glory of God.
Could it be that what God defines as significant may be entirely different than the mile-markers I set up? Scripture says He is ravished with one glance of my eye. So, today I am not changing the world by making my mark in business or ministry, or even in my own home with two little orphans … I’m just taking some time to set my gaze on Him. And I think He likes it. And I am refreshed.
I think I can wait a little longer.