Separate Unto Someone

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. 1 Corinthians 2:12**

I have You so that I know You. I can know You, because I have You.

I adore You, oh God from on high who has planted Himself deep within.

You gave me all that I need, and when my spirit feels separate — when I feel alone in this world — You say “yes” and “amen.” I am separate unto something, Someone. An end there means an open door, here, within. Within You. You inside of me.

Because of You inside of me, there is a forever-offering, an every-day, every-minute opportunity. I can know You — at least what few pieces of You my untrained, unpracticed eyes are able to glimpse. Now. Because of Your Spirit within me. You, this holy, divine Gift who did not fear being tainted by the recipient. You expand within me, even in spite of me.

How does this work? How is it even possible?

Tainted flesh, struggling with sin, is offered holy fragrance deep within. And that fragrance changes the constitution of that which holds it.

Today I am changed because of You God. And tomorrow is pregnant with promise of more. All because of You, oh God unchanging, ever-changing me into You while You reside within me.

I worship You, God-Man-Spirit living deep within my frame. I adore You, Father who blesses me with all the opportunity my heart has ever craved, simply in Yourself.

I can have You now.

You are the prize. You are what it’s all about. Communing with glory and beauty, despite my lack of glory and beauty. And the freely-given feast of Yourself that You offer never ends — it only grows. The chef lives within and discovery has only just begun.

You took me on. You put me on, God residing within flesh, so that I might have a lifetime of exploration as my practice for eternity.  And Your Spirit is my guide.

I look up and You say that the great mystery is God within. And I can’t help but worship.


**So what do I do with these posts, you ask, other than just read them? First, if you haven’t yet, read: Why I Adore to give you a context for this little space on my blog. (This post also gives context.)

If you are compelled, I invite you to participate. Set up a space and time in your own life to begin adoring. Over laundry or dinner dishes, on your commute to work, or in the wee morning hours — five or ten minutes is a great start. You can use the verse I list here every day or two as a launch pad for your own adoration.

Then practice praise.

Add to my adoration here, by posting a comment with your own words back to God about God …or hide it in your heart. Or wait until a Monday and link up to my adoration posts with your own adoration.

I promise your weary soul won’t regret it.

***You can easily subscribe to these devotional meditations as they are delivered, by using this feed: or by entering your email address in the second box on the right-hand side… (scroll up a bit)

Additionally, all of the Morning Chai Posts can be seen, in the order of posting, by clicking here or adding this address to your reader:

